
The New Jersey Council of Charitable Gift Planners is a volunteer-driven organization and openly welcomes, and encourages, members to take a more active role.

Participating on a committee provides you with the opportunity to share your expertise, hone your leadership skills, and increase your professional contacts. To learn more about our committees, or to volunteer, please write to .

Annual Conference Committee

Volunteers help recruit speakers, solicit sponsors and exhibitors, organize activities, and arrange publicity for the Council’s signature event. The conference is held every year in early June.

Board of Directors

This group of various professionals oversees all aspects of the Council. Board members provide general leadership, determine the direction of the organization, create new programs, recruit speakers, and provide many opportunities for the members. The board meets bi-monthly to conduct all business related to the NJCGP. Board members are typically selected from individuals who have demonstrated a long-term interest/involvement in the Council.

Communications Committee

Volunteers assist in managing the NJCGP website, email marketing, and direct mail campaigns. Works with the chair, webmaster and other vendors to ensure timely and accurate website updates and coordinates the timing and messaging to the NJCGP community.

Membership Committee

Volunteers help recruit new members, promote membership benefits, and discover new ways to engage and support our existing members.

Program Committee

Our educational and networking programs are the heart of NJCGP. Committee members work with the chair to suggest and select topics for our programs, invite and schedule speakers, and compile/collect follow-up surveys after each event. Volunteers also help staff the registration table for events throughout the year.

Sponsorship Committee

Volunteers work to identify and engage individuals and corporations for sponsorship opportunities.