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Annual Conference

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

New Jersey Planned Giving Day 2023

Free Parking available. Details to be shared upon registration.


8:30am Early Riser Session
9:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast
9:25am Program Begins
9:30am Pamela Davidson
10:30am Break
10:45am Julie Schuldner
11:45am Break
12:00pm Lunch
12:15pm Keynote
1:00pm Break
1:15pm Mark Ladendorf
2:15pm Break
2:30pm Pamela Davidson
3:30pm Program Concludes
(Optional Networking Happy Hour – location TBD)

Eleven Steps Your Charity Can Take This Year for Planned Giving Success

There are steps every charity can immediately take to begin integrating planned gift ideas and appeals into its overall development program, and to introduce planned giving concepts to nearly all of its prospects. This session will cover eleven no- or low- cost steps, both practical and doable for staff, Board members and volunteers to establish and sustain proactive gift planning and to set activity-based goals in this critical aspect of fundraising. Both new and existing programs will benefit from this presentation that will include a description of simpler gift options in the materials.

Cues and Clues: What Prospects and Clients Tell You and What You Need to Say, Then

Donors, prospects and clients tell you everything you need to know—if you only listen. This session will identify many impediments to giving those individuals are mentioning, like their asset concerns and family situation, and provide a script for your response then, in real time, suggesting a gift idea that could address that concern. Development’s role extends beyond the nonprofit’s need for the gift, we should make practical suggestions about how that donor could make a gift using assets not cash while furthering their goals. And for clients, to ensure their charitable plans are the smartest for them. Development’s goal is to promote a gift conversation between many individuals and a person who can talk about often simple gift plans funded at the right life stage, that address those perceived impediments to giving, ethical, pragmatic, repeatable.

Pamela Jones Davidson portraitPamela J. Davidson
Davidson Gift Design

Pamela Jones Davidson, J.D., is President of Davidson Gift Design, in Bloomington, Indiana, a consulting firm specializing in all aspects of gift planning and training, and excelling in motivational presentations. She is also Emeritus for Thompson & Associates, offering estate planning services to nonprofits. She was with Indiana University Foundation for 11½ years, leaving as its Executive Director of Planned Giving and Associate Counsel, quadrupling expectancies in only 2½ years.
Ms. Davidson has a B.A. from Indiana University and graduated magna cum laude from the Indiana University School of Law at Indianapolis in 1979. She has been an examiner in the Estate and Gift Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service, and practiced law with an Indianapolis law firm. Ms. Davidson was the 1999 President (now, Chair) of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners, (formerly, NCPG), on its board for six years, and in its Hall of Fame and Leadership Council. She served both her local AFP and CGP chapters, on their Boards and as CGP President.


Your Target Audience May Not Be Who You Think: Stewarding Your Most Probable Donors

Many gift planners are focusing their attention on the wrong audience by ignoring their donors who are most likely to give — individuals 85 and older. In this session, we will identify who you should be targeting, why and how. We’ll talk about how to find those needles in your database haystack, what stewardship vehicles resonate the most with that audience, plus which gift planning vehicles will get you to your planned giving program goals and beyond.

Julie Schuldner portraitJulie Schuldner
Sharpe Group

Julie has always had a passion for the nonprofit community, involving herself in volunteering, teaching and community outreach for non-profits throughout her career. Before joining Sharpe Group, she served as the Executive Director of the Fellowship Foundation, where she helped to build and sustain an industry standard Life Plan Community (LPC) - based fundraising program as a senior leadership team member. Other roles in nonprofit leadership included serving as Vice President, Development and Communications for Alzheimer’s New Jersey, and Executive Director of Family Promise of Sussex County. Most recently, Julie earned certification as a CFRE (Certified Fund Raising Executive).
Julie graduated from Seton Hall University with a History major and Temple University with an MBA in Health Administration. Before relocating to North Carolina from New Jersey, Julie served as a Board Member for Family Promise of Sussex County, member of the Nonprofit Advisory Board for Sobel Co., and as Chair of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce Not-for-Profit Roundtable. Julie resides in Wilmington, N.C., with her husband and two sons.


Life Income Gifts That Work Well Today

Today’s fundraising environment is a challenging one. With volatile markets, an uncertain economy, and rising inflation, there are many reasons for donors to take a “wait and see” attitude toward making a substantial charitable gift commitment. Yet at the same time, life income gifts offer potential solutions that allow donors to make charitable commitments while addressing other objectives. In this session we will explore which life income gifts offer the most appeal to donors today. We will explore:

  • The impact of rising gift annuity rates and the new opportunity to fund annuities with retirement assets;
  • The appeal of deferred gift annuities to donors and the impact on institutions that offer them;
  • The importance of real estate as a funding asset and common problems a gift of real estate solves for a donor.

Mark Ladendorf portraitMark Ladendorf
Director, Relationship Management
TIAA Kaspick

Mr. Ladendorf serves as relationship manager for several of TIAA Kaspick’s larger and more complex institutional client relationships. He also manages a team of other relationship managers and leads the firm’s peer benchmarking efforts. Prior to joining TIAA Kaspick in 2008, Mr. Ladendorf was President and CEO of The Lutheran Hour Ministries Foundation and Director of Advancement for Lutheran Hour Ministries in St. Louis, MO. He has over 25 years of experience in gift planning and fundraising management. He has served on the national board of the Association of Lutheran Development Executives and as co-chair of the 2007 International Educational Conference. He also serves on the board of the International Pediatric Stroke Organization. Mr. Ladendorf received a BA in Economics and International Studies from American University, Washington, D.C., and an MA from Washington University, St. Louis, MO.

Saint Peter’s University
Mac Mahon Student Center

47 Glenwood Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07306

Annual Conference Fees

NJCGP Member: $ 125.00
Non-Member:    $ 150.00
Group (3+):    $ 100 p/p (please contact

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Event Registration
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

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